
About Us


365 Farms Limited

365 Farms is rapidly emerging as one of Nigeria’s leading agribusinesses, focusing on the processing of agricultural products with the aim of propelling the Nigerian economy towards the next phase of industrialization. Established in 2019, 365 Farms specializes in delivering high-grade agricultural product derivatives to key sectors such as food processing, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. With a strong commitment to quality and innovation, 365 Farms is poised to play a pivotal role in driving economic growth and sustainability in Nigeria's agricultural sector.

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Metric Tons Annual market supply


Hectares of Cassava Farmland cultivated


Gross hectarage position


Farmers engaged in our community farming scheme


Total Personnel Count

Our Vision

To be the leading producer of high-grade agricultural product derivatives for food and industrial applications in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Mission Statement

To be the leading supplier of high-grade cassava starch and select agricultural product derivatives to commercial users in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our Values

At 365 Farms, we stand by our values, which we refer to as SPIRIT.

Safety - No work is so important that we cannot take the time to do it safely.
People - We invest in our people. When our people excel, we excel.
Integrity - We are ethical and trustworthy in our relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Responsibility - We strive to make a positive impact across the communities where we operate.
Innovation - We anticipate change and respond with creative solutions. We are responsive to the changing needs of the industry. We embrace learning and are not afraid to try new things.
Teamwork - We strive to create an inclusive environment that blends the experiences, ideas, and perspectives of our employees.

Cross Sections Of Farm Field

365 Farms Limited Farm Field in different locations

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Get In Touch

Connect with us to learn more about our processes, products and to partner with us.

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